Distinctive features of the 4th Conference:
The 4th.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering at Tabriz Islamic Art University, as one of the most regular and the most valid scientific, research and execution conference which is held annually, intends to benefit former experiences and achievements and bring together professors, experts and managers for creating sustainable development on Engineering Sciences, Science and Humanities and studying the new achievements of this field by the attendance of the best universities.
Some of distinctive features of the 4th Conference are announced as follows:
- Studying the new achievements of the greatest and the best International Universities of this country in the field of sustainable development on Engineering Sciences, Science and Humanities
- Studying the experiences of the leading countries on Engineering Sciences, Science and Humanities
- Having more than 50 Universities, Institutes, Associations, Research Centers and Companies as participant
- Having attendance of International Professors, main lecturers and researchers from accredited universities of the world
- Having attendance Industry Representative in the Conference continuously
- Private specialized panels related to all majors of Engineering Sciences, Science and Humanities
- Participating more than 2500 active members of this section including Academics, experts, Politicians, Managers, Students, concerned and interested Organizations, Consulting Engineers, Contractors and Specialists
- Publishing all selected papers of the conference without any further revise and any fee in journals and scientific, research and professional accredit magazines and conference supporting ISI
- The possibility of early judgment during 10 days upon the request and the possibility of participation in conference as attendance and non-attendance as the same as previous courses
- Awarding trophy and appreciation of the conference to top papers
- Issuing conference international certificates with participation of the world authorized academies inserting security hologram, raised seal and specific ID code as the previous courses of which its validity can be inquired and tracked via the abovementioned code and through certificate authentication system at the site of conference.
- Awarding valuable prizes in cash to 10 top paper
- Main Lectures